Monday, November 24, 2014

Top 15 Games of Last Gen (Part 1)

For my first real post I'd like to do a toplist, and since its been about a year and most of you have probably moved on to a next gen (current gen) console I'll cover my top fifteen games of last gen.  These aren't necessarily my favorite fifteen games (sorry dark souls) but games I think are worthy of the title "best." Without further delay, let us begin.

15. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Love it or hate it, Call of Duty 4 had a profound effect on the first person shooter genre, specifically in regard to its multiplayer.  Call of Duty 4 was the first in the series to feature create a class, customizable weapons, and perks, which are now considered staples of the series.  Not only that, but most shooters didn't have a level up system based on experience that gave you rewards as you leveled up.  This was a big step up because it incentivized players to keep playing and keep unlocking rewards.  Features like this are now seen in almost all online shooters, even Halo 4 took a page from Call of Duty's book with the loadout and armor ability system.

14. Halo 3

Speaking of Halo, Halo 3 was arguably the first great shooter released for Xbox 360.  Fans had been hungering for a new Halo after Halo 2's *ahem* less than stellar ending.  Not only did Halo 3 deliver, but it delivered big.  Great story, tight controls, and amazing multiplayer with stable, dedicated servers.  And lets not forget forge mode.  Its hard to believe the crazy amount of content forge added to the game, especially considering how basic it is, but file sharing crazy forge maps (and custom games) added replayability years after its release.  And lets not forget the nightmare inducing sound of an energy sword revving up.

13. Dead Rising

Ah, Dead Rising.  The zombie game that is so similar in setting to George A Romero's Dawn of the Dead that  there is a disclaimer to warn you its not actually associated with said movie or director.  While zombies traditionally appear in survival horror games, Dead Rising flipped this formula on its head by being cheeky and funny, intentionally coming off like a B-Horror film in terms of cheesiness.  Being able to pick up anything and use it as a weapon is a blast, and even though it has its silly moments the timed story missions and bathroom save system kept it tense.  It was also very technologically impressive for its time, look at all those zombies that can fit on screen at once! Future entries expanded on this formula, but the original will always be the best.

12. Assassins Creed II

Assassins Creed I was a good game, but Assassins Creed II was a great game.  Ezio is one of the greatest protagonists of last gen, and he's joined by a cast of equally entertaining and well written characters.  It was a huge step up from the first game, adding the ability to swim, in an game economy, and varied missions instead of the ol' interrogate/eavesdrop/pickpocket missions of the first game.  The few modern day segments as Desmond were much improved as well.  The cities are fully immersive, the gameplay superb, and the musical score well written.  I can't even do it justice with words, go play it right now if you never have.

11. Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid 4.  Here's a game with a good story.  Too much story in some peoples opinion, the game does have its fair share of cutscenes and extra long codec conversations (to put it lightly).  Still, the plot is excellent and it perfectly blends stealthy gameplay with the occasional action sequence and boss fight.  Metal Gear Solid 4 also delivers for older fans of the series as it has several nods to older fans and callbacks to earlier installments in the franchise.  In fact, the entire game is almost like one big piece of fan-service to long term veterans of the series.  I mean, did you see when REX fought RAY?  Or when the health bars turned retro in the final boss fight?  Excuse me while I replay the entire series.

10. Mass Effect

Ok I admit it, I'm a sucker for RPG's and stories grand in scope.  Mass Effect has these in spades.  Shooters and RPG's usually don't go hand in hand (at least not when Mass Effect came out), but Mass Effect blended these two styles of play very well.  Access to a diverse and interesting party, multiple unique classes and abilities, and grand sense of exploration all make Mass Effect one of the greatest games to come from last gen.  Each choice in the story felt like it mattered and had consequence.  Did Wrex die?  That was your fault.  Do you save Kaiden or Ashley?  Should you save the rachni queen?  And most important, do you find human women or blue skinned aliens with tentacle hair more attractive?

9. Dragon Age: Origins

If it isn't another RPG by Bioware!  Everything I said about Mass Effect is true for DA:O, except Dragon Age just felt better, somehow.  Maybe its my preference for fantasy over sci-fi, but the quests felt more well written, the characters more compelling and fully realized, and the villain more real and relatable.  The origin story system made your character fell extra unique from others and it was really satisfying to see everyone you had recruited throughout the game coming to your aid in the final battle.  From drinking my first oz of darkspawn blood, to hearing Alastair and Morrigan bicker like children, to slaying the Archdemon I was entertained throughout.  Speaking of Alastair, I worked hard to put him on the throne, he better show up in Inquisition.

8 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Oblivion had amazing graphics when it came out, and the world felt alive and real.  Cyrodiil is populated by unique characters, and there are quests and adventures to be had at every corner.  Oblivion is a rich sandbox game where you can create any character and do anything you want.  Do you want to be a master thief?  Do it.  Do you want to be a bare handed arena fighter?  Do it.  Do you want to be a potato farmer?  Go ahead.  Skyrim might seem the more natural choice here, but hear me out.  Oblivion had much, much better quests.  Oblivion quest: I lost my ring in that well over there, can you go get it?  Ha, its cursed hapless adventurer!  Have fun drowning! Skyrim:  Can you get my ring from this dungeon full of Draugr?  Ok thanks.

7. Arkham City

Batman Arkham City is not only a great superhero game or a great batman game, but just a great game in general.  Featuring a diverse cast of Batman villians, an explorable open world with engaging side quests, the ability to seamlessly fly and grapple your way around the city, and of course one of the best combat systems of any game, Arkham City remains a must play for fans of the genre.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Toplist Coming Up

I plan on posting a toplist of the top fifteen games of last gen within the next few days, so keep an eye out.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hey all.  As a veteran gamer who's been around a while I thought It'd be fun to start a blog and share my thoughts with the internet, since its such a warm and welcoming place.  I plan on posting reviews, news, and more, at least once or month or whenever I feel like it.  Let's get started shall we?